Swiss campus

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As the crossroads of Europe, Switzerland offers its students opportunities for international employment, in large groups or within NGOs. CREA and EBS Geneva share a 3,000 m² campus in Geneva and Lausanne.

Focus on Geneva

Geneva is the UN and diplomatic capital and home to international organizations and the headquarters of major multinational companies. Our campus offers 3,000 m² of ultra-modern premises and equipment, designed to unleash students’ creativity and encourage collective work. Ranked in the world’s top 10 most liveable cities, Geneva offers a diversified cultural network and supports artistic creation in all its forms.

The city has 40 museums, numerous concert and theatre halls and major events. Geneva also occupies a place of choice in the world of luxury, with unparalleled expertise in haute-horlogerie and numerous high-end establishments and companies.

Geneva is the second largest city in Switzerland and is ideally located on the shores of Lake Geneva, close to the French border.

Meet our students

Some testimonials from our students:

J’ai eu l’opportunité d’approfondir mes connaissances en digital au bon moment de ma carrière et apparemment au bon endroit ; )


Alumni Master en Digital Marketing & Communication – Red Bull

CREA m’a permis de vivre des expériences incroyables et de rencontrer de superbes personnes ! Un Master idéal afin d’intégrer le monde du luxe !


Alumni Master en Marketing du Luxe – Hublot

CREA est un tremplin qui vous ouvrira toutes les portes, si vous êtes passionnés et prêts à relever des défils d’envergure !


Alumni Bachelor Direction Artistique – Mustache New York

Focus on Lausanne

Lausanne is the fourth largest city in Switzerland and has a magnificent view of Lake Geneva and the Alps. The city is distinguished by its identity as an Olympic capital, a sustainable city and a renowned centre of education and culture. It is home to an international population as well as the headquarters of several multinational companies.

Lausanne, the economic heart of Vaud, makes a major contribution to the dynamics of the Lake Geneva region. World-renowned companies such as Philip Morris, Adecco, Logitech, Medtronic, Nespresso and Debiopharm have chosen Lausanne as their location. Lausanne is also home to the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee and more than 55 international sports federations and organisations.

Our campus offers 1300 m² of ultra-modern premises and equipment, designed to unleash students’ creativity and encourage collective work.

Galvanized by flagship institutions such as the Béjart Ballet Lausanne or the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, it has renowned music and visual arts schools. Among its twenty or so museums, the Collection de l’Art brut and the Olympic Museum are unique in the world.

Meet our students

Some testimonials from our students:

Je suis quelqu’un pour qui poursuivre sa passion et tenter d’accomplir ses rêves est indispensable ! J’ai pu appliquer ce que j’ai appris en marketing digital et en branding pour promouvoir mes projets et grâce aux stages, j’ai pu partir vivre 6 mois à Paris en 2ème année. J’habite et travaille aujourd’hui à Los Angeles.


Alumni Bachelor Digital Marketing & Communication – Manufacture LLC


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Mis à jour le 17 mars 2022