Programs in the world of entrepreneurship

Accueil » Our area of expertise » Entrepreneurs Area of Expertise » Programs in the world of entrepreneurship

PROGRAMS Entrepreneurs

BachelorMSc and MBAMaster in Management Programs
Entrepreneurship, Management & Start-Up TrainingMSc Start-up & Digital TransformationMIM – Entrepreneurship, Management and Leadership
Marketing & Communication TrainingM1 – Digital Marketing Innovation & Start-up Project
M1 – Sustainable Development and Responsible Communication Strategy
M2 – Digital Marketing Innovation & Start-up Project
– M2 – Responsible Marketing & Communication, CSR & Commitment
Sup CareerEntrepreneurship, Management & Start-Up Training MSc Business Management & Entrepreneurship
EU Business SchoolEntrepreneurship, Management & Start-Up Training– BA (Hons) in Business Management (Enterprise)– Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship, Management & Start-Up TrainingMIM – Entrepreneurship and Innovation Specialization
ECETraining in EngineeringEngineering Cycle – Energy & Environment Major

Types of Programs

Entrepreneurs by OMNES Education offers a wide range of courses and programs from post-baccalaureate to postgraduate.

Mis à jour le 17 octobre 2022