Behind the Scenes #3 | Thibault Durand, inseec alumni

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An alumni, a career path and your views!

In a 30-minutes format, on April 14 at 1:00 p.m. (Paris time), the third edition of the Behind the Scenes MasterClass will introduce you to a sporting and international career path. Louise DARDENNE, ESCE Business School student and Lorcàn ANTONI MC-WHIRTER, Sup de Pub student, will be the two co-hosts of this edition.

The opportunity for Thibault DURAND, INSEEC alumni, to talk about his journey between Europe and the Middle East, his studies, his job(s), what drives him on a daily basis, etc. Students from all OMNES Education Group schools and the connected public will be able to ask their questions online.

Passionated by judo and sports in general, Thibault DURANDBBA & MSC INSEEC alumnus, who wanted to work in the sports industry at the time of his studies but wanted to obtain more business skills after obtaining his master’s degree in High Performance Management, knew that he wanted to do a second master’s degree in business school.

Seduced by the school’s philosophy, he chosed INSEEC to further develop his career. After his internship at Quicksilver, he joined the Timberland team in 2009, where he worked between France and Switzerland for 7 years and held several positions.

Everything changes, on a one phone call, at the end of 2015, which makes him join the adidas group in Germany. And, it is finally from Tel Aviv-Jaffa and as General Manager for adidas Israel that he will answer the questions of our two co-hosts and all the connected students.

Stay tuned on April 14 at 1pm here >> YouTube

J’ai candidaté à l’INSEEC car j’ai aimé la philosophie de l’école et son approche moins standardisée qu’à l’université. J’ai senti que mon premier parcours et mes compétences étaient valorisées lors de mon entretien d’entrée. Ma bonne impression s’est confirmée pendant mon M2 : j’ai adoré la combinaison de la théorie et de la pratique, ainsi que les intervenants professionnels qui nous restituaient leur expérience”, se souvient t-il.

Thibault DURAND

Alumnus INSEEC

Mis à jour le 14 avril 2022